

About the Center

The Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center is a unique and nonpartisan institution that strengthens representative democracy through scholarship, learning, and service. Established in 1979 by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and the Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma, the Center is a living tribute to the ideals, leadership, and accomplishments of the Honorable Carl Albert, native Oklahoman, University of Oklahoma alumnus, Rhodes Scholar, 46th Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Congressional and Political Collections

The Carl Albert Center houses the largest collection of political and congressional papers in the state of Oklahoma. The collections include the papers of 61 former members of congress, along with the papers of 25 political leaders, congressional staffers, and journalists.

These congressional and political collections encompass over 100 years of American History, from Oklahoma's territorial days to the turn of the century, with the largest amount of materials created between the 1930s and the 1990s. As a result, the Center's archives foster research on a broad range of topics.

Special Collections and Virtual Exhibits

The Carl Albert Center curates a range of permanent, online, and traveling exhibits including a recreation of Speaker Albert's D.C. office featuring original furniture and memorabilia from his collection.

Visit our Digital Collections

Click this link to visit the many digital collections we have!